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Special Educational Needs at St Joseph's

Provision For Special Educational Needs


At St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that all pupils are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood. We therefore strive to ensure that all children, regardless of needs, are provided with an inclusive education in order to reach their full potential.
We recognise that some children will require more support during their time at our school, whether that be support with their learning, or support with their social and emotional well-being or sensory and physical needs. We understand that all children are different and the support provided for each child will not look the same. Our aim is to understand all children as individuals and tailor support in order to meet their individual needs


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo)


Our school SENDCo is Mrs Anna Smith

Our SEND Governor is Sam Lord


The role of SENDCo at St Joseph's


If your child has special needs please do feel free to speak with the Head, class teacher or SENCo. We see our teaching of pupils with special needs very much as a joint effort and we rely on a close working relationship with parents.


SEND Information Report


School SEND Policy


Advice and Support for Parents


At Rawmarsh St Joseph's we welcome open and honest discussions with parents about their child's specific needs and offer advice and support wherever we can. However, Rotherham has a variety of services and resources to help parents find the right information for them. Please click on the links below to find a service that's right for you and your child.


Jargon Buster - Support to understand some common SEND language


​Rotherham's SEND Local Offer Website

Here you will find help, advice and information about the services available for your child or young person from birth to 25 years with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).

It is part of Rotherham’s graduated response to special educational need and disability.



Rotherham's Parent Carer Forum

A registered charity run by and for families of children and young people (aged 0-25) who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

We work in partnership with service commissioners and providers, sharing knowledge and experience of families to help plan and develop the quality, range and accessibility of provision, creating better outcomes for families through participation and co-production.


Rotherham SENDIASS

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service

Rotherham SENDIASS is the new name for Rotherham Parent Partnership. We can offer you impartial information, advice and support on matters relating to special educational needs and disabilities. if you are:

  • a parent or carer for a child or young person up to age 25 with special educational needs or disabilities

  • a child up to age 16 who has special educational needs or disabilities

  • a young person aged 16–25 who has special educational needs or disabilities.



Early Help

All families go through trying times at some point. Early Help staff will work with you at these times so that small problems don’t get bigger. We work with children, young people and families to offer support and advice when it’s most needed. We can work with you in your local area at one of our centres or even in your home.

We can help you:

  • if you are worried about a child’s health, development or behaviour

  • if you are a child carer or young person looking to find training or further education

  • if you are a child carer or young person looking for advice on employment or benefits+C8

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© Copyright 2021 by St Joseph's Primary School. 

Contact Us

Tel: 01709 710270



St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Green Lane, Rawmarsh, Rotherham, S62 6JY

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