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Fundraising/Charity Events

Jumble Sale November 2022

Children in Year 6 showed incredible stewardship as they hosted a jumble sale selling clothes that had been donated by our community. It was a huge success and the children raised £60. They donated £40 of this towards Rawmarsh Foodbank who were delighted to receive this generous donation to help others in our local community. The local newspaper even came to capture and celebrate this special moment!

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Children In Need November 2022

Children were invited to wear spots or their pyjamas and bring in £1 to raise money for Children In Need. We raised a fantastic £109.39!

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Cancer Research Jumble Sale July 2023

These fantastic children decided they would like to organise a jumble sale to raise money for Cancer Research UK due to personal reasons. The girls asked the community for donations and raised a fantastic £100 for the charity which was greatly received. They demonstrated such compassion towards others and we are very proud of them!

'Boxes of Love' July 2023

Our wonderful Mini Vinnies decided they would like to help refugees in nearby areas by asking our school community to create 'boxes of love.' Inside the boxes were various items for girls and boys of different ages groups to help them. Some examples of items included a toothbrush and toothpaste, colouring book and pencils, showering wash/shampoo, sweets and much more! 

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Tel: 01709 710270



St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Green Lane, Rawmarsh, Rotherham, S62 6JY

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