St Joseph's Catholic Primary School regard good attendance and punctuality as high priority.
We are committed to a whole school approach to attendance and punctuality. St Joseph's regards education as paramount whilst being sympathetic and supportive to individual family circumstances.
Every child has a right to education and parents are legally responsible for making sure that their child/children, once enrolled at a school, attend/s regularly and punctually. Regular attendance at school is the single most important factor in a child/children making appropriate progress and achieving success. Good regular and punctual attendance means doing well academically, developing better relationships with other children and positive behaviour. It also sets up good habits for when young people enter into work and life.
The Local Authority has set the attendance target for our school as 96%. If a child's absence is 90% or less, this falls into the Persistent Absentee category.
For more information about the Local Authority's attendance pathway please follow the link below.
You can help us to improve our school’s attendance by making sure that your child comes to school every day. If he/she has a slight cold, cough or temperature they can still come to school and we will contact you if we feel they need to go home.
First Day of absence |
Call school before 9.15am to inform them of the reason your child is absent from school. |
Second Day of absence |
Call or send a text to school providing information as to why your child still absent. |
If medical advice is sought, please provide school with evidence of appointments and prescribed medication. |
Please try to make any medical/dental appointments outside of the school day or in the school holidays. If a medical or dental appointment is made, then please show the appointment card, letter or text when collecting your child for an appointment.
We can administer medicine in school that is required four times a day but only if it is prescribed by a doctor and the necessary paperwork is completed at the school office.
For information on when children can return to school after an illness, please see the chart below :
In School On Time Every Day
Please remember that the school gates open at 8.40am. If your child/children arrive after 8.50am they will be given a 'late' mark. If they arrive after 9.15am they will be given a 'U' mark which is a late mark after registration closes. This will be classed as a half-day absence.
Our School Day - 2024/25 (the school week lasts 32.5 hours)
Year FS2 - 6
8.50am - 3.20pm - gates will open at 8.40am
If your child arrives after 8.50am, they will need to enter school through the main reception and will be marked on the register as late.
School Begins: 8.50am
Morning Break: 10.45am – 11.00am
FS2 and KS1 Lunch: 12noon - 12.45pm
KS2 Lunch: 12.15pm - 1.00pm
School Ends: 3.20pm